Friday, May 3, 2013

Effects of Social Networking on Society, Volleyball, and the Christian Life

This post was actually an assignment so it will deviate somewhat from the norm. It is, however, a topic that is important in modern society and interesting to know. I will be discussing some of the effects of social networking on society, and as each of y’all are currently reading this blog post, I can say with confidence that it will pertain to your life in some way.
The first article I read on this matter was “The Positive Impact of Social Networking Sites On Society.” This article discussed the obvious reasons social media is a good thing. It allows people to keep in touch with family and friends who may live in a completely different state. With these sites, a person can know more than just the overview of how a relative or long lost friend’s life has been going that they would receive in a phone call- they are able to see pictures of baby cousins, or new boyfriends or even keep up with how their volleyball season is going. Social networking allows people to stay in touch with the world, build strong relationships, and have faster communication.
The second article, “The Effects of Social Networking Upon Society,” mainly looked at the negative effects. This author mentioned how human interaction is suffering because people are used to their only contact with others being on the web. She also said that bullying has become easier and more convenient. Cyber bullying can be done from the comfort of one’s own home, so people who normally wouldn’t be able to bully someone to their face will simply post a picture or a status about someone on the Internet for the world to see. Also this author discussed how teenagers don’t know how to handle these sites responsibly. They post pictures of themselves drinking or smoking underage, or showing sexual content that cannot be taken back after posted. These can ruin a future with a click of the mouse.
My take on this issue is somewhat neutral: I agree with both articles even though they seem to contradict. Social Networking in itself is a good thing- it’s the users that make it bad. When used right, it allows people to stay in touch and communicate quicker and more conveniently. However, just like in real life, it’s when people step outside the boundaries that things start going south. The second author summed up my view at the end of her article. She said social networking should “only be used as a tool.”
Now, onto the actual basis of my blog. Volleyball players can learn a lot by using social media. They can find ways to better their skills and find drills to work on, and can also ask a group of friends to go practice with them. The Internet cannot give them the skills though, only the advice needed to produce them. This means they cannot spend all their time on social networking instead of practicing or their volleyball skills will suffer.
From a Christian standpoint, social networking effects still depend on the user. If someone is spending so much time on social media sites that they don’t have time for God, there’s something wrong. Or, if they are doing things on social media that aren’t pleasing to God, then that’s also not good. However, when used appropriately social media can be a good way to share your faith with others, or can even just be a positive example of how to live your life in social media as well as in the real world.

                               Should It Take a Website to "Follow Your Interests"?
                                                       Photo Credit: Britannica Image Quest

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