Saturday, May 4, 2013

Technological Advances Changing Education and Sports

I just watched a video called “Harness Your Students’ Digital Smarts.” It was an assignment, but it gave me a lot of ideas for my future classroom and volleyball team. The video focused on a high school teacher who incorporated technology into all of her lessons. She said this allowed the students who wouldn’t be as successful given the pen and paper lessons, to learn. This way of teaching enabled the students to think and discover for themselves and then teach each other. In fact, the teacher said sometimes she wouldn’t even know how to complete a process the students found-she was learning right along with them.

This got me to thinking, as we are in a technology age, it is important that I find ways to use technology in my lessons as well. Mine may not be as extensive as the teacher in this video, but she gave me a lot of ideas. She mentioned showing her students new software. There are tons of software out there for mathematics. In fact, if my students continue on into a math related field, they will most likely be using software to perform the math. I can prepare my students by giving them a head start at using these. Another idea I had was to screencast my lessons and make them available to my students online. Then if they were at home working on homework or studying for a test and couldn’t remember something we went over in class, they would have access to the lessons. Also, parents could watch the lessons to gain a better understanding of the coursework, so they could better help their students.

This could also benefit my volleyball team. I can use technology to communicate with my team or share announcements with them. Also I could make videos or articles that could enhance their skills available to them for them to work on in their own time. This way we would have more time to practice on team play while on the court. My players could use technology to scout opponents as well- to learn their weaknesses or tendencies so they know better how to defeat them. As the teacher in “Harness Your Students’ Digital Smarts” said, technology allows us to be connected to the world.

A Glimpse of a Classroom in the Technology Age
Photo Credit: Britannica Image Quest

The Video:


  1. Great idea on using technology to coach volleyball!!I never thought about using it in sports. Good work Coach!

    1. Why thank ya! It can be used for about anything these days.
